Regular dance sessions undertaken by adult grandchildren with their grandparents appears to create a change in the grandparents’ state of mind, bringing about good memories and uplifted spirits, whilst for the grandchild it alters their perspective of old age

In April 2020 researchers from Israel published the results of their study to assess the benefits of free-form dance undertaken by adult grandchildren with their grandparents. The researchers stated that … Read more

The time of receiving a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia appears to be a critical period in the process of transitioning into a caregiver role, and a caregiver’s needs at this time include knowledge and information, emotional and psychological support, and assistance with care planning

In August 2019 researchers from the USA published their review of the medical scientific literature to identify experiences, needs, interventions and outcomes for carers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or … Read more

An increasing sense of burden worsens the relationship between the carer and individual with Alzheimer’s disease which in turn may increase the frequency and severity of neuropsychiatric symptoms such as anxiety, agitation, disinhibition, aggressive behavior and sleep disturbance

In September 2019 researchers from Turkey and Italy published their review of the medical scientific literature to assess the potential influence of symptoms experienced by individuals with Alzheimer’s disease on … Read more

It is difficult to draw firm conclusions from research undertaken to date regarding the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions for carers of individuals living with cancer but it should be noted that the content of a few interventions may be perceived as insensitive to some individuals

In June 2019 researchers from the UK published their review of the medical scientific literature to assess the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions designed to improve the quality of life, physical … Read more

Adolescent girls who watch television with high levels of relational aggression, eg soaps, reality television, etc, appear to send texts with a higher level of aggression whereas for boys it is the time they spend watching television in general which appears to predict the level of aggression in texts

In May 2019 researchers from the USA published the results of their study to assess the association between relational aggression on television and relational aggression in text messaging. Relational aggression, … Read more

Current research findings are inconsistent as some studies show no significant association between either dietary Glycemic Index or glycemic load on risk of depression, whilst other studies show that a higher Glycemic Index or glycemic load increases the risk of depression

In August 2019 researchers from Iran published their review of the medical scientific literature to assess the association between dietary Glycemic Index, glycemic load and depression. A total of 11 … Read more

A short sleep duration appears to be associated with an increased risk of an emotional disorder (anxiety and depression) in both boys and girls and with a behavioural disorder (defiance, inappropriate conduct, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity) in boys only

In December 2019 researchers from Norway published the results of their study to assess the association between sleep duration and symptoms of emotional and behavioral disorders in children. A total … Read more