Anger, self-confidence, irritability, loss of appetite, and a loss of interest in leisure activities appear to be associated with a decline in the quality of life in carers of children with primary congenital glaucoma

In September 2019 researchers from India published the results of their study to assess the quality of life in caregivers of children with primary congenital glaucoma. A total of 70 primary caregivers (average age 32 years, 77% female) of 70 children with primary congenital glaucoma (average age 8 years, 37% female) were involved in the study. Information was collected via two questionnaires, namely a Patient Health Questionnaire and a Caregivers Congenital Glaucoma Quality of Life Questionnaire. Results showed that the child’s age and duration of the medical condition were the issues most likely to affect the caregiver’s quality of life. A further analysis revealed that anger, self-confidence, irritability, appetite, and a loss of interest in leisure activities were traits associated with a decline in the quality of life in the caregiver.

Kantipuly A et al. Caregiver Burden in Primary Congenital Glaucoma. Am J Ophthalmol. 2019 Sep;205:106-114.

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