An unhealthy lifestyle is associated with distinct abnormalities in laboratory tests for liver function, inflammation and lipid status

In June 2019 researchers from Finland published the results of their study to assess the impact of unfavourable lifestyle factors on abnormal laboratory tests reflecting liver status, inflammation and lipid metabolism. A total of 22,273 individuals (10,561 men, 11,712 women), aged 25-74 years, were included in the study. Information on alcohol intake, smoking, body weight, and physical activity was collected via structured interviews and a risk score established on a 0-8 scale. Liver enzymes, C-reactive protein and lipid profiles were assessed for each individual. Results showed a consistent dose-response relationship between the number of unfavourable risk factors and liver enzymes, C-reactive protein, HDL(good)-cholesterol, LDL(bad)-cholesterol and triglycerides. When compared with zero risk factors, the risk for abnormalities were significantly higher in those with a risk score of two or more. In the group with the highest risk scores, the most striking increase in the risk of abnormalities was observed in men for liver enzymes, C-reactive protein and triglycerides.

Nivukoski U et al. Impacts of unfavourable lifestyle factors on biomarkers of liver function, inflammation and lipid status. PLoS One. 2019 Jun 20;14(6):e0218463.

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