A “smart toothbrush” is able to keep track of any skipped areas, pinpointing missed areas on a tooth map, and give details on the percentage of brushed surface, the teeth that require more attention, and if the user is applying too much pressure in any area that could induce gingival damage

In June 2019 researchers from Italy published their review on the use of a “smart toothbrush” in an intensive care environment. Providing effective oral hygiene is crucial in this environment … Read more

Ingredients found in sunscreens appear to be absorbed into the body and produce blood levels which exceed the FDA threshold when additional safety studies for sunscreens could potentially be waived; however this does not indicate that the public should stop using sunscreens

In January 2020 researchers from the USA published the results of their study to assess the rate of absorption of six active ingredients (avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene, homosalate, octisalate, and octinoxate) … Read more