A higher intake of fried food appears to increase the risk of benign breast disease, but not breast cancer

In January 2018 researchers from Poland published the results of their study to assess the relationship between cooking technique and risk of breast cancer and benign breast cancer in 237 Polish women. 34 of the women had been diagnosed with breast cancer, 81 benign breast cancer and 122 with no history of breast cancer. Information on nutritional habits, especially the way of preparing meat and fish dishes, was collected and the ratio of fried to boiled meals calculated. Results showed that a higher intake of fried food was associated with an increased risk of benign breast cancer but not breast cancer. Further research is required to confirm this association.

Sochacka-Tatara E et al. Preferring fried dishes increases risk of benign breast disease, but not breast cancer. Folia Med Cracov. 2018;58(1):43-52

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