A child’s fussiness with vegetables appears to be significantly associated with several vegetable specific feeding practices, including parents/carers using more encouragement/pressure to eat their vegetables, using food and other rewards for eating vegetables, and a greater amount of compromise

In January 2018 researchers from the UK published the results of their study to assess the factors involved in a child being fussy when it comes to eating vegetables. A … Read more

The Early Nutrition Project have published updated recommendations for optimized nutrition before and during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, infancy and toddlerhood which should contribute to the prevention of obesity and associated non-communicable diseases

In February 2019 researchers from Germany, UK, Poland, The Netherlands and Australia who were part of the The Early Nutrition Project published their review of the medical scientific literature and … Read more


Perchorlate, in large amounts, has the ability to interfere with thyroid function as it interferes with iodine uptake, and individuals exposed to excessive amounts of perchlorate for a long time … Read more


Chard, also referred to as Swiss chard, silver beet, perpetual spinach, beet spinach, sea kale beet and leaf beet.

Rich source of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K and Read more


Cabbage, types include savoy cabbage, red, white and green cabbage

Rich source of vitamin C and vitamin K and a moderate source of vitamin B6 and folate.

Also contains sulforaphane. Read more