Durum wheat-based products may reduce symptoms experienced by individuals with non-coeliac gluten sensitivity

In March 2019 researchers from Italy published the results of their study to assess the effect of an organic durum wheat variety with those of standard commercial wheat in patients with known non-coeliac gluten sensitivity. Individuals with non-coeliac gluten sensitivity do not have coeliac disease although their symptoms improve after a gluten-free diet, but it is currently uncertain whether it is gluten or other components of wheat that are responsible for their symptoms. A total of 42 individuals (average age 45 years; 8 men, 37 women) with confirmed non-coeliac gluten sensitivity and who had followed a gluten free diet were involved in the study. The individuals were divided into two groups and received either a two-week diet with Senatore Cappelli wheat variety pasta or a two-week diet with standard commercial pasta. Then, after a two-week interval, each individual then received the alternate type of pasta. However, only a total of 34 individuals completed the study. Results showed that individuals reported lower overall symptom scores following the Senatore Cappelli pasta than standard pasta as well as reporting significantly lower scores in several gastrointestinal and other symptoms, eg bloating, abdominal distention, eructation, flatulence, feeling of incomplete evacuation, dermatitis and limb numbness, following the Senatore Cappelli pasta. Further research is required to assess whether new dietary alternatives may be available to individuals with non-coeliac gluten sensitivity.

Ianiro G et al. A Durum Wheat Variety-Based Product Is Effective in Reducing Symptoms in Patients with Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity: A Double-Blind Randomized Cross-Over Trial. Nutrients. 2019 Mar 27;11(4). pii: E712

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