Oily fish intake appears to improve serum triacylglycerol levels in boys and HDL(good)- cholesterol levels in both boys and girls

In December 2019 researchers from Denmark and Canada published the results of their study to assess the effect of oily fish consumption on triacylglycerol and diastolic blood pressure levels and other cardiometabolic markers in healthy Danish children. A total of 197 children, aged 8-9 years, were involved in the study which lasted for 12 weeks. The children were divided into two groups, with one group receiving approximately 300 g/week of oily fish whilst the second group received the same amount of poultry and acted as a control group. Blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rate variability were measured and fasting blood samples collected for analysis. Results showed that oily fish intake improved serum triacylglycerol and HDL(good)- cholesterol levels in a dose-dependent manner, ie the higher the oily fish consumption the better the improvement. However, additional analyses revealed that the triacylglycerol level reduced in boys only. It was also noted that the heart rate slightly decreased in girls only. However, oily fish intake had no effect on blood pressure, heart rate variability or glucose homeostasis.

Vuholm S et al. Effects of oily fish intake on cardiometabolic markers in healthy 8- to 9-y-old children: the FiSK Junior randomized trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2019 Dec 1;110(6):1296-1305.

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