The perineal use of talc powder increases the risk of ovarian cancer ,with a significant risk being noted in Hispanics and Whites, in women applying talc to underwear, in pre-menopausal women and in post-menopausal women receiving hormonal therapy

In December 2019 researchers from Canada published their review of the medical scientific literature to assess the association between the perineal use of talc powder and risk of ovarian cancer. A total of 30 studies were included in the review. Results showed that the perineal use of talc powder is a possible cause of ovarian cancer. A significant risk was noted in Hispanics and Whites, in women applying talc to underwear, in pre-menopausal women and in post-menopausal women receiving hormonal therapy.

Kadry Taher M et al. Critical review of the association between perineal use of talc powder and risk of ovarian cancer. Reprod Toxicol. 2019 Dec;90:88-101

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