Egg consumption does not appear to influence the risk of depression, anxiety or psychological distress

In June 2018 researchers from Iran and Canada published the results of their study to assess the association between egg consumption and psychological disorders. A total of 3,172 individuals, average age 37 years, were included in the study. Information on egg consumption was collected via a food frequency questionnaire. 28% of individuals were assessed to have depression, 14% anxiety and 23% psychological distress. Results showed that there was no significant association between egg consumption and depression, anxiety or psychological distress. However, it should be noted that a significant association between egg consumption and depression was observed in males but this became non-significant when BMI was taken into consideration.

Shafiei F et al. Egg consumption and prevalence of psychological disorders in adults. Eur J Nutr. 2018 Jun 13 [Epub ahead of print]

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