Each one-point increase in the dietary inflammatory index score appears to result in an 8% increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease

In February 2018 researchers from the USA and the UK published the results of their review of the medical scientific literature to assess the association between a dietary inflammatory index score and the risk of cardiovascular disease and related mortality. A total of 14 studies were included in the review. Results showed that those individuals who consumed a higher dietary inflammatory index score had a 36% increased risk of cardiovascular disease or dying due to cardiovascular disease. A further analysis revealed that each one-point increase in the dietary inflammatory index score resulted in an 8% increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease or dying from cardiovascular disease.

Shivappa N et al. Dietary Inflammatory Index and Cardiovascular Risk and Mortality-A Meta-Analysis. Nutrients. 2018 Feb 12;10(2). pii: E200

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