Current and past depressive symptoms appear to be associated with poorer diet quality, particularly in men

In February 2019 researchers from The Netherlands published the results of their study to assess the association between depressive symptoms and diet quality scores. 1,312 individuals, aged over 55 years were involved in the study. Dietary scores for the Mediterranean Diet, Alternative Healthy Eating Index and Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) were assessed at five regular 3-yearly cycles. Results showed that current depressive symptoms as well as a history of depressive symptoms appeared to be associated with a lower Mediterranean and Alternative Healthy Eating Index dietary scores, but in men only. Chronic/recurrent depressive symptoms also appeared to be associated with a lower Mediterranean dietary score and a trend for lower Alternative Healthy Eating Index dietary score when compared to no depressive symptoms. No association between depressive symptoms and the DASH dietary score was identified.

Elstgeest LEM et al. Associations of depressive symptoms and history with three a priori diet quality indices in middle-aged and older adults. J Affect Disord. 2019 Feb 6;249:394-403. [Epub ahead of print]

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