Chocolate consumption appears to be associated with a reduced risk of heart attack and ischaemic heart disease.

In July 2016 researchers from Sweden published the results of their study to assess the effect of chocolate on risk of ischaemic heart disease. A total of 67 640 individuals with no history of cardiovascular disease were included in the study. Information on chocolate consumption was collected via a food frequency questionnaire. Results showed that chocolate consumption appeared to reduce the risk of ischaemic heart disease.  In addition, a review of the scientific literature was undertaken, and results showed that those consuming 3-4 servings/week of chocolate appeared to have a reduced risk of heart attacks when compared to those who consumed no chocolate.

Larsson SC et al. Chocolate consumption and risk of myocardial infarction: a prospective study and meta-analysis. Heart. 2016 Jul 1;102(13):1017-22

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