Coffee appears to reduce the risk of cutaneous melanoma

In June 2016 researchers from China published their review of the scientific literature to assess the association between coffee consumption, both caffeinated and decaffeinated, and the risk of cutaneous melanoma. 12 studies involving 832,956 participants for total coffee consumption, 5 studies involving 717,151 participants for caffeinated coffee consumption and 6 studies involving 718,231 participants for decaffeinated coffee consumption were included in the analysis. Results showed that there was a 3% reduction in the risk of cutaneous melanoma for every 1 cup of coffee consumed per day, which increased to a 4% reduced risk for every 1 cup of caffeinated coffee consumed.

Wang J et al. Coffee consumption and the risk of cutaneous melanoma: a meta-analysis. Eur J Nutr. 2016 Jun;55(4):1317-29

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